Chelsea Osborne


Coach Osborne has been the head cross country coach since 2006. She graduated from Oak Ridge High School and Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. In high school she was a member of the 1996 and 1999 State Championship Team, the 1997 and 1998 State Runner-up Team, the 2000 4x800m State Championship relay, and was an all state runner in XC in 1999. During her time at App State, under the coaching staff of  Mike Curcio and John Weaver, she ran on the  2002 Southern Conference Cross Country Championship Team, The 2001-2004 Southern Conference Indoor Track Championship Team, and the 2002-2004  Southern Conference Outdoor Track Championship Team. She previously helped coach Ashe County High School in North Carolina and was an assistant for one year at Oak Ridge High School. 

Rebecca Whitehead


Coach Whitehead has taught Spanish for more than 20 years in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee, with the last four of those years at Farragut High School. She is a graduate of Berry College in Georgia and got her Masters in Spanish at the University of Kentucky. She came to running later in life and is an experienced long-distance runner, having completed three marathons and numerous half marathons. She currently resides and trains in Oak Ridge with her fat cat and ridiculously large collection of used Hokas. She ran her first Abbott World Marathon at Chicago this past October.